Please leave a voice mail at (434) 248-3776 with your answers.

Feel free to jot these statements down, think about them for a while, and then give this number a call back with your responses.

  1. Please describe in your own words the job offered and explain why you are a good fit.
  2. Please explain the type of work you enjoy and describe your understanding of whether or not the type of work you enjoy matches to what this position offers.
  3. Please give and elaborate on a specific example in which you displayed the ability to be organized and efficient.
  4. Please give a specific example of your ability to work well with people.

Next, rate yourself from 1 – 10 in the following categories: (A rating of 1 would mean you’re not like that at all. A rating of 10 would mean that describes you perfectly.)

  1. Integrity
  2. Hustle
  3. Resilience
  4. Generosity
  5. Humility

We look forward to hearing your answers!

We will review your responses, and if we feel like you’re a good fit for our team, we’ll get back to you. Just make sure you include your name and number so we can give you a call back.

Thanks and have a great day!